• InfoWorks ICM

Configuring remote root and results locations in InfoWorks ICM

Configure remote root and results locations that are accessible to all users.

Step-by-step guide

Some on-premise database data is not stored in the database file itself, but as separate or linked files in remote root directories. Remote root directories can be particularly advantageous for results storage, as these files can be large. Results stored on the remote root can be accessed by all users of a workgroup database.

Two remote root locations can be set for each database—the remote results root, and the remote files root.

To open the Set Remote Roots dialog box:

  1. Select File > Database management > Set remote roots.

In the InfoWorks user interface, the File menu expanded with Database management selected, and in the flyout, Set remote roots selected and called out.

A remote results root allows results to be stored in a central location that can be accessed by all users. It is where results for simulation results are stored when On server (shared) is chosen in the Schedule Job(s) dialog box.

A remote files root allows files to be shared, such as GIS layers and links to other objects, using a shared path.

The Set Remote Roots dialog box with paths specified for both the Remote results root and the Remote files root, and OK selected.

Note: When configuring a workgroup, planning a common folder structure to use with the remote files root can help you share data with different project teams or organizations.

Results data can be stored on a local machine, or on a remote server. By default, all results are stored on a local machine in the Local Results Folder. Results stored locally cannot be accessed by other users.

To save results On server, as well as setting the remote results root, an Agent is required to be set up as a coordinator to manage the data transfer. This could be your local agent, for a single user, or a centralized Agent when working in a workgroup configuration.

The Manage Job Agents dialog box for managing the connection to the local agent and the configuration of connected agents, and in the Job Control Window, the Manage agent button called out.

To check the location of results:

  1. In the Explorer window, right-click at a group level.
  2. Select Open results manager.

In the Explorer window, the expanded Model group shortcut menu with Open results manager selected and called out.

  1. Navigate to the Location column.

The Results management grid window with the Location column highlighted in red.

Editing of remote root locations can be restricted to database owners when user permissions are enabled, and the Protect Global Settings option is on. These shared locations can also be scheduled for backups, to help prevent data loss.

For cloud databases, remote roots are disabled. Instead, all results files are stored in the cloud and are automatically available to all users once complete.