• Revit

Creating stairs with landings and holes

Create a new stair type and a floor opening.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

Create a new stair type and a floor opening.

Open the file Modify Stairs_001.rvt. It opens in the 3D view Entrance Lobby.

  1. In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, double-click Level 1.

In the Revit interface, the project for this example open to the Entrance Lobby 3D view, and in the Project Browser, double-clicking the Level 1 floor plan.

  1. In the Architecture tab > Work Plane panel, click Ref Plane.
  2. Draw two reference planes and use temporary dimensions to move them into place. (Dimensions for information only.)

In the Level 1 view, with the horizontal reference line drawn, entering a temporary dimension for the vertical reference line.

  1. In the Architecture tab > Circulation panel, click Stair.
  2. In Properties, review the default values.
  3. In the Options Bar, set the Location Line to Run: Right, the Offset to 0'-0", and the Actual Run Width to 4'-0". Verify that Automatic Landing is selected.
  4. Pick the start of the stair along the vertical reference plane.

In the Options Bar, settings for this example configured and highlighted in red, and in the Level 1 view, picking the start of the stair on the vertical reference plane.

  1. Drag to place 8 risers, and then click to finish the run.

Clicking to place 8 risers along the vertical reference line.

  1. Pick the start of the next run of the stair along the horizontal reference plane and place the rest of the risers. The landing is automatically created.

Clicking to place the risers for the next run of the stair along the horizontal reference plane, with the landing automatically created.

  1. Click Finish Edit Mode. The stairs are created.

The created stairs in the Level 1 view.

  1. Switch to the Entrance Lobby 3D view to see where the stair opening needs to be created.
  2. In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, double-click Level 2.

In the 3D view, the created stairs intersecting with the floor where an opening needs to be created, and in the Project Browser, double-clicking the Level 2 view.

The stairs display only in part in this Hidden Line view.

  1. In the View Control Bar, expand Visual Style and select Wireframe.

In the Level 2 view, the stairs displayed in part, and in the expanded Visual Style menu, Wireframe selected.

The stairs display through the floor.

  1. In the Architecture tab > Opening panel, click Vertical.
  2. Select the edge of the floor.

With the stairs displayed through the floor, in the Architecture tab, Opening panel, Vertical selected, and in the Level 2 view, selecting the edge of the floor, highlighted in red.

  1. In the Draw panel, click Pick Lines and select the elements that define the edge of the stairs and the third riser up.

In the Draw panel, Pick Lines selected and highlighted in red, and in the view, selected staircase edge elements displayed in purple, with the third riser up being selected.

  1. In the Modify panel, click Trim/Extend to Corner.
  2. Clean up the corners of the sketch.

In the Modify panel, Trim/Extend to Corner selected and highlighted in red, and in the view, cleaning up the corners of the staircase sketch.

  1. Click Finish Edit Mode and the opening is created.

In the Entrance Lobby 3D view, the created floor opening, with the intersecting staircase now visible.