Setting the working folder
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Setting the working folder - Exercise
It is not necessary to specify a working folder to begin using a vault since one is defined by default at My Documents\Vault. However, you can change the location for the working folder with the Set Working Folder command. Administrators can also enforce a standard working folder location for all users.
Set the working folder: Users
- Select a file or folder in the vault.
Tip: As a best practice, set the working folder location from the root ($) level of the vault.
Note: The working folder must be set from the root ($) level of the vault to a local folder for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical files. The Vault add-in for AutoCAD ignores working folders that are not set at the root ($). - Select File > Set Working Folder.
- In the Browse for Folder dialog box, navigate to the new location on the local computer for the working folder.
- Click OK.
If the application option is enabled, the working folder path displays above the vault folder tree and the file list.
Set the working folder: Administrator
The vault administrator can enforce a standard location, ensuring that all users have the same working folder defined.
Note: You must be assigned the role of Administrator to perform this action.
- Select Tools > Administration > Vault Settings.
- In the Vault Settings dialog box, click the Files tab.
- In the Working Folder section, click Define.
- In the Working Folder Options dialog box, select the Enforce Consistent Working Folder For All Clients option.
- Specify the location for the folder in the Client Working Folder field or click ... to browse for a location.
- Click OK.