Setting the working folder

Setting the working folder - Exercise

It is not necessary to specify a working folder to begin using a vault since one is defined by default at My Documents\Vault. However, you can change the location for the working folder with the Set Working Folder command. Administrators can also enforce a standard working folder location for all users.

Set the working folder: Users

  1. Select a file or folder in the vault.

    Tip: As a best practice, set the working folder location from the root ($) level of the vault.

    Note: The working folder must be set from the root ($) level of the vault to a local folder for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical files. The Vault add-in for AutoCAD ignores working folders that are not set at the root ($).
  2. Select File > Set Working Folder.

  3. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, navigate to the new location on the local computer for the working folder.
  4. Click OK.

If the application option is enabled, the working folder path displays above the vault folder tree and the file list.

Set the working folder: Administrator

The vault administrator can enforce a standard location, ensuring that all users have the same working folder defined.

Note: You must be assigned the role of Administrator to perform this action.

  1. Select Tools > Administration > Vault Settings.
  2. In the Vault Settings dialog box, click the Files tab.

  3. In the Working Folder section, click Define.

  4. In the Working Folder Options dialog box, select the Enforce Consistent Working Folder For All Clients option.
  5. Specify the location for the folder in the Client Working Folder field or click ... to browse for a location.
  6. Click OK.