Sharing a working folder

Set up a shared working folder - Exercise

The system administrator enforces a working folder on a shared network location for all project members to use.

Note: You must be assigned the role of Administrator to perform this action.

  1. Launch Autodesk Vault and then log in as an administrator.
  2. Select Tools > Administration > Vault Settings.
  3. In the Vault Settings dialog, click the Files tab.
  4. In the Working Folder section, click Define.
  5. In the Working Folder Options dialog, select Enforce consistent working folder for all clients.

  6. Specify the shared network location for the working folder in the Client Working Folder field or browse to a location.

    Note: The path to the shared working folder can be:
    • a network path: \\designco\users\jstewart
    • a path containing a system variable for a directory: \\designco\users\%username%
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Vault Settings dialog, click Close.