• InfoWorks WS Pro

Identifying objects and groups

Explain the different methods that demand and leakage can be applied to the model.

Step-by-step Guide

InfoWorks WS Pro stores and orders data within a database. Everything within the database is considered an object, and these objects can be grouped. A group acts like a folder. Groups can also be grouped.

Network, Control, and Live Data Configuration objects are version-controlled.

Most objects must be created within the correct group type, i.e., a Demand Diagram object must be created within a Demand Diagram Group.

The different Groups and Objects in InfoWorks WS Pro include:

  • A Model Group, which is a high-level folder that can store most objects and groups
  • A Network, which is the infrastructure of the model
  • The Control, which depicts the behavior of the model
  • The Demand Diagram, which contains the demand profiles for the model
  • A Run Group, which holds the configurations of particular simulations (including their duration, accuracy, type, and more)
  • Results, which are the results of a simulation (some simulations may produce multiple sets of results)
  • A Selection List, which is a saved selection of objects

The Thematic Key window in InfoWorks WS Pro, showing various objects and groups in a tree view.

Within a Network, object types include Nodes and Links

Nodes include:

  • Nodes themselves
  • Fixed Heads
  • Reservoirs
  • Hydrants
  • Transfer Nodes

Links include:

  • Pipes
  • Pump Station Valves
  • Float Valves or Inlets
  • Non-Return Valves
  • Meters

The modeling workflow in InfoWorks WS Pro in its simplest form includes the following steps:

  • Make Changes > Validate Model > Save Changes > Create Run > Run Simulation > View Results

After reviewing results, you can make changes or create iterations of the components of your model.

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