Address clash issues

Exercise: Address Clash Issues

Task 1: Ignoring Clashes Less Than 0.5”

  1. Click on the Clashes tool > Active tab, and click on the clash group showing the clashes between Mechanical and Structure, as shown in the figure below; the two models are federated and the clashes between the two models are displayed.

  1. Set the clash tolerance setting to Below a value, as shown below.
  2. Also, make sure the tolerance units are set to Inches, as shown below.

  1. In the tolerance value field on the left of the tolerance settings, type 5 and press ENTER; all the clashes below 0.5” are displayed.
  2. Select the check box at the top of the list; all the clashes below 0.5” are selected, as shown in the figure below.

  1. From the bottom of the Clashes panel, click Not an issue.
  2. Enter the details, as shown below.

  1. Click OK. The clashes under 0.5” are ignored and no more displayed in the model.
  2. Set the clash tolerance parameters to Above a value > 0.5, as shown in the image below.

Task 2: Ignoring Clashes with Slabs

  1. Orbit the model to a 3D view.
  2. One by one, click on all the slabs; all the clashes with the slabs are highlighted, as shown below.

  1. From the bottom of the Clashes panel, click Not an issue.
  2. From the Reason drop-down list, select Valid penetration.
  3. Enter the description in the Comments
  4. Click OK. The clashes with the slabs are ignored and are no more displayed in the clash view.

Task 3: Creating Issues from Clashes

  1. In the Clashes panel, scroll down and select one of the rectangular clashes that are clashing with multiple elements.
  2. From the bottom of the Clashes panel, click Create issue; you are prompted to place the issue pin on the element that needs to be modified.
  3. Navigate around the model and click on the duct element highlighted in Red, as shown below.

  1. Use the Measure tool to measure the distance between the top of the duct and the bottom of the beams.
  2. In the Issue panel > Description field, use that distance value and advise to move the duct down by that value.
  3. Enter the remaining information in the Issue panel, such as Assigned to, Due date, Start date, and Root cause, as shown below.

  1. Close the Issue panel. The selected clash is removed from the clash view.
  2. Similarly, create additional issues from the clashes that need to be resolved.