Rendering views in Revit

Render a view - Exercise

Rendering is actually the easiest part. Once the view is created, the materials are assigned, and the lighting is in place, you’re just a click away! But there are other things to consider too.

To render a scene, follow these steps:

  1. Open Revit.
  2. Open the Small Medical Center.rvt model from your project files. If you did not complete the previous exercise, open Small Medical Center-Render.rvt instead. 
  3. In the Project Browser, select the SECOND FLOOR BREAKROOM 3D view to make it the current view if not already active. 
  4. In the View tab>Presentation panel, click Render. You can also open the Rendering dialog box by clicking the Show Rendering Dialog icon in the View Control bar or typing RR.

  5. In the Rendering dialog box, change the following as shown: 
    1. Quality Setting: Draft 
    2. Resolution: Printer / 150 DPI 
    3. Lighting Scheme: Interior: Sun and Artificial

  6. Click Artificial Lights….  
  7. In the Artificial Lights dialog box, select the checkbox for Second Floor Breakroom and uncheck the checkbox for Ungrouped Lights. Click OK.

  8. In the Rendering dialog box, click Adjust Exposure…. 
  9. In the Exposure Control dialog box, change the Exposure Value to approximately 7.5 and click OK.

  10. At the top of the Rendering dialog box, click Render. 
  11. Ignore any warning you may get about missing materials. 
  12. When complete, your rendering should look similar to the one shown below.

  13. In the Rendering dialog box, click Adjust Exposure…. 
  14. In the Exposure Control dialog box, adjust the settings so the image is how you want it.

  15. Click OK. 
  16. In the Rendering dialog box, change the following: 
    1. Quality Settings: High 
    2. Resolution: Printer / 300 DPI 
  17. Click Render. Ignore any warning you may get about missing materials. 
  18. Click Save to Project. Keep the default name. 
  19. Click Export. Save the render as a JPEG, keep the default name, and make a Renderings folder in your project folder to save it in. 
  20. Save the model.