Troubleshooting EPS run warnings
Troubleshoot and solve some of the warnings that may occur after an EPS has been run.
Learn why your InfoWater Pro simulation ran successfully or failed to converge to a solution. There are settings, messages, and reports that can help you to fix errors and run better simulations.
TIP: Keep a design log of all your simulations, so you can refer back to it when similar issues occur. The more models you build, the easier these errors are to resolve.
The Run Manager provides a color-coded stoplight as a visual reference to know the status of your run simulation.
A green stoplight represents a good run of your simulation. You did not receive any warnings.
A gray stoplight indicates that your simulation did not run at all; no output was produced due to bad or missing data. Review any popup messages and the Message Board for errors. Error messages indicate the key data IDs of elements to fix.
A red stoplight indicates that your simulation failed to converge to a solution. You need to reconfigure your simulation for it to run correctly. There are multiple possible reasons why the model did not solve.
Changing convergence settings can help a model converge.
- In the Run Manager, click the Standard tab.
- Click Simulation Options.
- In the Simulation Options dialog box, click the General tab.
- Adjust the Convergence Criteria settings:
- Click the Advanced tab.
- Additional settings that may help solve convergence issues:
To research and resolve simulation failures, view the full Hydraulic Status Report:
- In the Run Manager, Standard tab, click the Report Options Browse (…) button.
- In the Simulation Report dialog box, set the Hydraulic Status to Full, so that the status report includes information from each trial of each hydraulic analysis. This level of detail is useful for de-bugging networks that become hydraulically unbalanced.
- Enable Generate Network Summary Table.
- Enable Generate Warning Messages.
After a successful or failed run:
- Click the Report icon to open the Full Hydraulic Status Report:
- To de-bug or troubleshoot failed simulations, search for "warning" and "caution" in the report.
- Investigate each warning and caution message by the element ID.
A yellow stoplight indicates your run did not meet the standards of a good simulation. Review and potentially fix the warning messages found on the Warnings popup or Message Board:
- Troubleshoot using the partial output found in the Full Hydraulic Status Report. Look at the last hour and other key areas to diagnose why the run did not complete.
- A simple test is to add all tanks into a Domain and use a Tank Group Graph on the Domain. Tanks going 0% or 100% full just before run failure indicate where the issue resides. Review the controls for the elements that are draining and filling those tanks for errors.