• InfoWater Pro

Protector - create a fire flow report after an event

Simulate a fire event to determine if delivering fire flows are possible during a breakdown or isolation event.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


The Fire module of the Protector can be used to determine if delivering fire flows is possible during a breakdown or isolation event. This example assesses a fire event in the network after removing affected facilities previously identified, with the assumption that the area identified is taken off-line.

  1. Double-click the desired project .aprx file to open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click the InfoWater Pro tab to open the InfoWater Pro ribbon.
  3. In the Project panel, click Initialize.

Start by running a simulation for the current scenario:

  1. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Analysis panel, click Run to open the Run Manager.
  2. Click Run to run the simulation and create an output for the current scenario.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Analysis panel, Run highlighted in red, and in the Run Manager, the Run button highlighted in red.

  1. Close the Run Manager.

To access the Protector:

  1. On the ribbon, in the Project panel, click Apps.
  2. From the Apps Manager, select Protector.
  3. Click Run.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Project panel, Apps highlighted in red; and in the App Manager, the Protector app selected and highlighted in red, with Run selected.

  1.  In the Protector app, switch to the Fire tab.

In this example, a contamination event has been identified, and the affected facilities have been isolated. Use the Protector Fire settings to determine if there is sufficient fire flow to serve the network, based on the remaining facilities:

  1. In the Facility Management drop-down, select the AFFECTED_FACILITIES selection set.
  2. Under Fire Nodes, make sure that All is selected.
  3. Set the Fire-Flow Demand to 1000.
  4. Set the Residual Pressure to 20.
  5. Set the Accuracy to 0.0001.
  6. Set the Maximum Iteration to 20.
  7. Set the Critical Node Searching Range to Entire Network.
  8. Click Run to run the Fire analysis.

The Protector app, Fire tab, with all settings for this example configured and the Run button highlighted in red.

The Fire-Flow Report dialog box opens.

To view the junctions with low fire flows during fire flow events:

  1. Select the Available Flow (gpm) column header.
  2. Select Sort Ascending.

In the Fire-Flow Report dialog box, results for this example, with the Available Flow column and the Sort Ascending button highlighted in red.

  1. Click Close to close the Fire-Flow Report.
  2. Back on the Fire tab, click Reset Facility to reset the affected facilities.

Protector on the Fire tab with all Reset Facility selected.

  1. Click Close to exit the Protector.