• InfoWater Pro

Establishing pressure zones during model creation

Establish pressure zones in new service areas and identify pressure zones in existing service areas.

Pressure zones in a water distribution system are areas where the hydraulic grade line is relatively constant.

Typically, utilities have maps where pressure zones are identified, along with zone interconnection and boundary details.

A sample pressure zone map, with three differently colored areas demarcated into separate zones and labeled Z1, Z2, and Z3.

For new areas, pressure zones may need to be established using InfoWater Pro model.

Often based upon certain parameters placed on model.

For example, to maintain typical 50 to 100 PSI, set hydraulic grade lines that establish elevations to be served:

  • Since 50 PSI is approximately 115.5 feet of head, subtract 115.5 feet from hydraulic grade line for highest elevation that can be served in pressure zone.
  • To establish lowest service elevation for 50 to 100-PSI range, subtract 231 feet (100 PSI) from hydraulic grade line.
  • Calculations help to roughly identify elevations that can be served in new pressure zone.

In existing pressure zones, utilize InfoWater Pro’s Pressure Zone Manager to hydraulically identify how elevations and pressure zones interact.

This is an efficient first step to fine-tuning distribution system zone boundaries.