• InfoWater Pro

Defining controls for pump operations

Set up control settings for pumps with specific variations in conditions for an extended period simulation.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


You can use a steady state analysis as the starting point for creating an extended period simulation. In this example, a 24-hour time period and boundary conditions, such as pump status and tank levels, were already configured for a steady state analysis. However, variations in these conditions were not specified for an extended period simulation. In this exercise, you will define controls for the pump operations in preparation for an EPS.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. In the model, zoom to the Treatment Plant.
    The Treatment Plant in the Model view, zoomed in for easy selection of the pumps
  4. In the Contents pane, right-click the Pump layer and select Label.
    The Contents panel, Pump layer shortcut menu, with Label selected
  5. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Edit panel, click Select.
  6. In the model, select pump P-120.
    The Model view, with Pump P-120 called out for selection
  7. In the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, click Tools.
  8. Select Control.
    The Model Explorer, Tools menu, with Control selected
  9. In the Pump Control dialog, set Status Type to Open.
  10. Set Method to Pressure/Head.
  11. Set Node ID to T5004.
  12. Set Level Value to Below.
  13. Set the value to 114.
  14. Click Insert.
    The Pump Control dialog, with the controls set for pump P120

Notice the new row added to Control Data. This signifies that the pump will turn on when the water level at tank T5004 drops below 114 feet.

  1. Set Status Type to Closed.
  2. Set Level Value to Above.
  3. Set the value to 127.
  4. Click Insert.
    The Pump Control dialog, with the controls set for pump P120

This second row signifies that the pump will turn off when the level at tank T5004 rises above 127 feet.

  1. Click Create.
  2. In the model, select pump P-100.
  3. From the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, select Tools > Control.
  4. In the Pump Control, set Status Type to Open.
  5. Set Method to Pressure/Head.
  6. Set Node ID to T5004.
  7. Set Level Value to Below.
  8. Set the value to 109.
  9. Click Insert.
  10. Set Status Type to Closed.
  11. Set Level Value to Above.
  12. Set the value to 118.
  13. Click Insert.
    The Pump Control dialog, with the controls set for pump P-100

Note that this pump operates in tandem with pump P-120. Pump P-120 comes on first when the tank level drops to 114 feet. Pump P-100 will turn on only if pump P-120 cannot prevent the tank level from dropping an additional 5 feet to 109 feet.

  1. In the model, select P-140.
  2. From the Model Explorer, Attribute tab, select Tools > Control.
  3. In the Pump Control, set Status Type to Open.
  4. Set Method to Pressure/Head.
  5. Set Node ID to T5000.
  6. Set Level Value to Below.
  7. Set the value to 77.
  8. Click Insert.
  9. Set Status Type to Closed.
  10. Set Level Value to Above.
  11. Set the value to 95.
  12. Click Insert.
  13. Click Create.
    The Pump Control dialog, with the controls set for pump P-140

Pump P-140 will now turn on when the water level in tank T5000 drops below 77 feet and turn off when it rises above 95 feet.

The control settings are now configured for three pumps with specific variations in conditions for an extended period simulation.

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