• Forma

Creating housing units with garages

Create row housing units that feature attached garages.

Step-by-step guide

In Forma, multiple housing types can be defined and combined—for example, to create housing row units that feature attached garages.

Open the proposal where the housing units will be created. In this example, Proposal1 is already set up, the site limits have been defined, and some row housing units, roads, and a parking lot have been added.

To create a new row housing template:

  1. On the Design toolbar, select Building > House.

The Forma interface, with a portion of a parking area displayed in the canvas, the Proposals pane and right canvas open, and the House tool being selected from the Design toolbar.

  1. On the canvas, click and drag to draw a line of row houses.
  2. In the right panel, under Houses, click the Default house type.
  3. In the House templates dialog box, click Create new.

The Forma interface, with a line of 6 row houses drawn, and the House templates dialog box open, where Create new is being selected and is outlined with a red box.

  1. In the template settings dialog box, enter the name “Row house type 2”.

Adjust the settings for the new house type:

  1. Leave the settings for two floors and a pitched roof.
  2. Change the roof orientation to Across.
  3. Under Layout, leave the center of the dot grid selected for a bit of green space on either side of the row.
  4. Click the Unspecified function to open the Swap Function dialog box.
  5. Select Residential.

The settings panel for the Row house type 2 house in this example, with the settings adjusted and the Swap Function dialog open, where the Residential function type is being selected and is called out with a red arrow.

  1. Click Publish.

Note: On the canvas, the row houses update. In the House templates dialog, Row house type 2 is added to the list.

A portion of the Forma canvas, showing the 6 row houses changed to the Row house type 2 type, as indicated in the House templates dialog box and the red arrow.

  1. Click Create new to create another housing type called “Garage”, with 1 floor and a flat roof.

To create a new function:

  1. Next to Function, click the active function—in this case, Unspecified—to open the Swap Function dialog box.
  2. Click Settings.

The Garage settings dialog box open on the right, showing the garage settings configured for this example, with the Swap Function dialog box also open on the left, and a red arrow indicating the Settings cog for selection.

  1. In the Settings dialog box, click Unit properties. Here, you can add new functions and change the visibility color.
  2. Adjacent to Functions, click Add (+) to create a new function.
  3. Rename it “Garage”.
  4. Select the current color, to give it a gray label.

The Settings dialog box open to the Functions options, with the Add function (plus sign) highlighted with a red box to indicate that it was already selected. The Garage function color swatch options are also open, where the gray color has already been chosen.

To exclude the garage from the area metrics:

  1. Click Area metrics.
  2. Expand one of the metrics, such as BRA in this example.

The Settings dialog box open to the Area metrics tab, with the BRA option highlighted in red to indicate that it is being selected.

  1. Next to the Garage function name, click the minus symbol (-) to exclude that function from the calculation method.
  2. Repeat this for the BRAS metric as well.

A side-by-side image of the BRA and BRAS settings options boxes, showing the Exclude function (minus sign) being selected so that these settings are excluded from the total Area metrics.

  1. To confirm the changes, click Apply changes.

Since you created a new function, you will have to apply the new function in the Garage template:

  1. In the Garage dialog box, next to Function, click the active function (Unspecified).
  2. In the Swap Function dialog box, select Garage to activate it.
  3. Click Publish.

The Garage housing units update:

The six row houses updated to show the Garage house type.

  1. Close the House templates dialog box.

To see the function colors or unit sizes:

  1. In the Display options, change the Building colors mode to Functions.

The Forma interface, with the Display options > Building colors control changed to Functions, and the six row houses updated to show the Garage house type now colored gray.

To alternate the new Row house type 2 and Garage housing types to simulate row houses with attached garages:

  1. On the canvas, select every other housing unit in the row.
  2. In the right panel, click Garage.
  3. In the Housing templates dialog box, select Row house type 2.

Now, every other unit is a house. The result is three housing units, each with its own garage.

In the Forma canvas, the row of six Garage type row houses now changed to show as 3 yellow row houses and 3 gray garages. The House templates dialog box is also open, where the Row house type 2 option was selected, changing 3 of the garages to houses.

To adjust the location of the units and add more rows:

  1. In the canvas, edit the row house line.
    Press CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste rows.
  2. Press R to activate the Rotate tool to align them.

The new house and garage row houses being edited, so that each row now contains 4 houses and 4 garages. The original row has been copied, and the copied row is in the process of being placed at an angle from the original. Snap lines and angle values are guiding the placement.

When you have finished creating housing rows, in the right panel, in the Units tab, the breakdown is reported. This example now shows 15 of the type 2 row houses, 15 garages, and 29 of the Default row houses drawn previously.

The canvas and right panel in Forma, with the completed row houses, with the corresponding Area metrics for the House types outlined in red.