Creating MEP filters

Creating MEP filters for views within Revit - Exercise

  1. Open the project 002-Small Medical Center–Create Filters.rvt.
  2. In the View tab> Graphics panel click Filters.
  3. Review several of the existing filters such as the Domestic Cold Water filter shown below.

  4. In the Filters dialog box select New and name the filter Gas Piping, as shown below. Click OK.

  5. In Categories, select the various Pipe related items.
  6. In Filter Rules, specify the System Name contains Gas, as shown below, and click Apply.

  7. Duplicate the Gas Piping view and rename it Liquid Refrigerant Piping.
  8. In Filter Rules, specify the System Type equals Liquid Refrigerant Piping as shown below and click OK.

  9. Open the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box again and select the Filters tab.
  10. Click Add and add the new Gas Piping and Liquid Refrigerant Piping filters to the view.
  11. Add Line Overrides to the new filters, as shown below.

  12. Save the project.