Working with Entities and Entity pages in Flow Production Tracking - Summary

You have finished this lesson! Here are the major takeaways:

  • We helped you understand Entities and schema, so you know how these entities are used, configured, and connected to one another.
  • We showed you how to navigate Entity list pages, to allow you to see information on multiple Entity records.
  • We showed you how to navigate Entity detail pages, to allow you to see information on a single Entity record.
  • We went over how to adjust page results on an Entity page, to better organize data on an Entity page.
  • We showed you page summaries on an Entity page.
  • We went over how to edit which fields are displayed on a page.
  • We sorted and grouped records on a page, for better organization of data.
  • We filtered records using the Filter panel.
  • We discussed how to format an Entity page, to further isolate information on an Entity page and make a page more appealing.
  • We helped you format an Entity page with rules, to add in formatting.

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