Comparing two scenarios


Once you have run a batch simulation of scenarios that you have set up, you can use the Scenario Comparison tool to perform a comparison between two scenarios to determine the differences.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
  3. In the Model Explorer, Command Center tab, expand the Scenario folder.
  4. Double-click Compare Data Scenario.
    The Model Explorer Command center tab, with Scenario folder expanded and Compare Data Scenario highlighted
  1. In the Compare Data Scenarios dialog box, in the Save as Selection Set group, ensure that the Save elements that have different values option is selected.
  2. Click Browse (…).
    The Compare Data Scenarios dialog box, with configured so that it will compare elements that have different values
  1. In the Selection Set dialog box, click New.
  2. In the New Selection Set popup, type a New ID of “VARIES”.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click OK again to close the Selection Set dialog box.
  5. Back in the Compare Data Scenarios dialog box, expand the Scenario #1 drop-down and select EXISTING.
  6. Expand the Scenario #2 dialog box and select 2030_MAXDAY.

These are the two scenarios that you will be comparing.

  1. In the Report Color group, set the Color for Scenario #1 to Yellow.
  2. Set the Color for Scenario #2 to Cyan.
  3. Set the Color for different value to Red.
  4. Click Compare.
    The Compare Data Scenarios dialog box, with the chosen scenarios for comparison and the color scheme selected for the results

The Data Scenario Comparison Report appears, with a color-coded comparison between the EXISTING and the 2030_MAXDAY scenarios.

  1. Click the different tabs to see the comparison results for the various components.
  2. Click the general Summary tab.

On the Summary tab, the Facility row shows that the EXISTING scenario selects facilities based on the Query Set FAC_EXISTING, while the 2030_MAXDAY scenario selects facilities based on the Query Set FAC_2030.

The Data Scenario Comparison Report, Summary tab with Facility row highlighted

The Summary tab also shows that all data sets are the same between the two scenarios, except for the Demand Set.

  1. Click the Junction Set tab.
  2. Review the similarities and differences.
    The Data Scenario Comparison Report, Junction Set tab, with the junction IDs that are different

The Junction Set tab details the specific demands and patterns used for the scenarios, but it only lists the differences. Therefore, it reports only the junction IDs and values that have different values between the two scenarios. The junctions that do not have any changes are not listed.

  1. Switch to the Pipe Set tab.
  2. Review the similarities and differences.
    The Data Scenario Comparison Report, Pipe Set tab, with the pipe IDs that are different

The Pipe Set tab details the pipe information used for each of the two scenarios. Again, it only shows the pipes that have differences.

  1. Click Close to close the Data Scenario Comparison Report.