Use Partner Cards to Pull in Project Data​

Use Partner Cards to Pull in Project Data – Practice Exercise

Task 1: Add Partner Cards to the Custom Dashboard

  1. From the left navigation on the Insight page, click the custom dashboard you created in the first practice exercise. 
  2. From the top right, click Customize
  3. Click the Card Library button. 
  4. From the FILTERS section, click Partner Cards; only the partner cards are displayed, as shown below:

  5. Select the partner cards you want to display on your dashboard. 
  6. From the bottom right, click Add Cards
  7. Drag and drop the partner cards on the dashboard to locate them, as shown below:

  8. Click Configure on one of the partner cards. 
  9. Edit the card title if required. 
  10. In the Partner URL field, paste the URL from the partner application. 
  11. Click Save
  12. Repeat this process for the other partner cards you added to your dashboard. The figure below shows the ESRI card added and configured: