Access and identify pages

Access and identify global, project, shared, and private pages

Global pages versus project pages

Global pages are not restricted to a single Project and may display information about one or many projects on a single Flow Production Tracking site.

Global pages versus project pages

Project pages are restricted to display information about a single project on a site and are accessible from the project pages menu.

Project pages

Private pages versus shared pages

Pages can be private or shared. Restrictions can be applied to pages based on a user's permission group.

By default, new global pages start as private, while new project pages start as shared with members of that project.

Private pages versus shared pages

When users create new private pages, they will appear in the My Pages section of the page menus.

Private page

Share settings can be identified by the text to the right of the page title. Private pages will be clearly marked as private to the right of the page name.

Private page

Shared pages will be visible in the All Pages menu.