• Fusion

Pockets with Adaptive Clearing

Open Pockets, Closed Pockets and Helical Entry Control. The diferences between selecting Edges vs. Faces for pocket boundaries.

Note: Since this video was made, the way you select geometry has changed. For more information, see: Geometry selections.

What we cover in this video

  1. 2D Adaptive applied to pockets.
  2. Selecting Open and Closed pockets.
  3. Selecting Edges vs. Faces.
  4. Ramping parameters.

Adaptive Clearing Toolpaths are commonly used for pocketing out large areas. Because of the way Adaptive Clearing calculates toolpaths, it is very efficient for odd shaped pockets with sharp corners. It can rough the outside to leave a boss standing, rough the inside of a closed boundary and even clear out open pockets.