• InfoWater Pro

Extracting elevation

Populate junction elevations using the raster elevation dataset.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step Guide

When you import a model and make manual fixes and adjustments, junctions may not have elevation data. The InfoWater Pro Elevation Extractor can be used to populate junction elevations using the raster elevation dataset.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, click Initialize.The InfoWater Pro tab of the ribbon with Initialize called out as being selected
  3. From the ArcGIS Pro toolbar, Map tab, Layer panel, click Add Data.
    The Map tab, Layer panel, with the Add Data tool highlighted
  4. In the Add Data dialog box, browse to and double-click the desired .gdb file to expand it, such as CityData.gdb for this exercise.
  5. Select the raster data set you need, in this case, elevation.
    The ArcGIS Add Data file browser, with the elevation dataset selected
  6. Click OK.
  7. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Edit panel, click DB Editor.
    The InfoWater Pro ribbon, Edit panel, with the DB Editor highlighted
  8. In the Open Table – Junction Information dialog box, Data Table tab, expand the Element Information Data folder.
  9. Double-click Junction Information.
    The Open Table - Junction Information dialog box open, with the Data Table folder tree active and the Element Information folder expanded, and with Junction Information selected

The Junction Information table populates the DB Editor. Notice that the Elevation column is empty.

  1. Click Exit to close the DB Editor.
    The DB Editor, Junction Information table, with the Elevation column highlighted because it is empty of data

You can use the Elevation Extractor to populate the elevation information, but be aware that this tool only accepts raster files.

  1. From the Command Center tab in the Model Explorer, expand the Tools folder.
  2. Double-click Elevation Extractor.
    The Model Explorer, Command Center tab, Tools folder with Elevation Extractor highlighted
  3. In the Elevation Extractor dialog box, set the Source Layer to elevation. (If you do not see “elevation” listed here as a layer, then the elevation data is likely in another file type.)
    The Elevation Extractor dialog box, with the Source Layer set to elevation and no other options enabled
  4. Click Extract.

The Elevation Extractor takes the value of the pixel corresponding to each junction and assigns it in the Elevation field of the InfoWater Pro Information Database Table.

  1. When you see a confirmation in the Message Board that the elevation data extraction is finished, close the extractor.
    Message Board confirmation
  2. Re-open the database editor by selecting DB Editor > Element Information Data > Junction Information.

You can see that elevation data is now contained in the database table:

The DB Editor, Junction Information table, with the Elevation column highlighted because it is now filled with the data from the elevation raster file

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