• InfoDrainage
  • Civil 3D

Navigating the model view

Navigate the view of an imported surface model.


To adjust your view of the surface model, you can use the navigation tools in the Toolbox, or you can use your mouse.

  1. To zoom in on a specific area of a surface, in the Toolbox, expand the Tools node and click Band Zoom.
    The Toolbox with Band Zoom selected
  1. In the Plan View, click and drag to draw a rectangle over the area you want to zoom in on.
    The Plan View with a selection window drawn over an area
  1. Let go of the mouse button, and the view instantly zooms into that area.
    The Plan View showing a zoomed-in view of the area of the model that was selected using Band Zoom.
  1. In the Toolbox, click View Extents to return to the full model view.
  2. To pan the view, using the central wheel of your mouse, click and drag anywhere in the Plan View model.
  3. To zoom in, scroll the mouse wheel forward.
  4. To zoom out, scroll the mouse wheel backward.
    A zoomed-out view of the model after scrolling the mouse wheel
  1. To control the view of the entire surface model, in the Tree View, expand the Surface node. 

In this example, the Contours, Surface Color Fill, Legend, and 3D view are all active in the current view.

  • The Tree View with the Surface node expanded, and the options displayed.
  1. Click the Surface Colour Fill checkbox to turn OFF the view of the surface.
  2. Zoom out in the Plan View.
  3. Click the Contours checkbox to turn OFF the view of the contours.
  4. Click the Legend checkbox to turn OFF the view of the legend.
  5. Click all 3 checkboxes again to turn them back ON.
  6. Continue to explore the model view navigation tools. If you get lost, from the Toolbox, click View Extents to see the entire model view.