• Fusion

Add dimensions to an object

Add dimensions to define the object so it can be manufactured using Fusion.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


In this activity, you will add dimensions to define the object so it can be manufactured.


  • If you've not completed "Add annotation geometry to drawing views", download and open main-pump-body-drawing-activity-3.f3z to continue.


  1. Add horizontal dimension to Section View B-B.

    1. Select the Dimension command.
    2. In Section View B-B, select the vertical line on the bottom left of the view.
    3. Select the bottom hole and then drag the pointer down.
    4. Click to place the dimension below the part.
  2. Add a vertical dimension to Section View B-B.

    1. With the Dimension command still active, select the bottom horizontal line in Section View B-B.
    2. Select the bottom hole and drag to the left.
    3. Click to place the dimension.
  3. Add angle dimension to Base View.

    1. With the Dimension command still active, select the vertical line created by the center mark on the top hole of the Base View.
    2. Select the angled line that is created by the center mark on the left hole of the Based View to see the angle of 45°.
    3. Move up the pointer and to the left and click to place the dimension.
  4. Add a radius dimension to the Base View.

    1. With the Dimension command still active, select the radius created by the top Center Mark Pattern you created in the last activity.
    2. Pull the pointer away to see the Radius dimension.
    3. Click to place the dimension.
  5. Add a diameter dimension to Base View.

    1. With the Dimension command still active, select the large hole in the middle of the part.
    2. Pull the pointer away and notice that Fusion is trying to place a radius dimension.
    3. Right-click, and in the context menu, select Diameter.
    4. Click to place the dimension.
  6. Place Ordinate Dimension on the Projected View.

    1. Select the Ordinate Dimension command.
    2. Select the bottom horizontal line.
    3. Pull the pointer to the right of the view and click to place the origin.
    4. Repeat the last two steps to define other features of the Projected View. The final view should look like this:
      Final Dimensions Placed

Activity 3 summary

In this activity, you added dimensions to define the part so it can be manufactured.

Dimensions before and after

Before dimensions (left). After dimensions (right).