• InfoWorks WS Pro

Introducing Automatic Calibration

Describe how the automatic calibration functionality works within InfoWorks WS Pro.

InfoWorks WS Pro provides an automatic calibration facility.

A presentation slide on Automatic Calibration describes how it speeds up work on models where friction factors have a predominant role, and that it is well-suited for all-mains models, but is not for use on networks with pressure controls.

There are some elements that are not accounted for in Auto-Calibration, including partially closed valves, inefficient pumps, and incorrect PRV or PSV settings.

A presentation slide listing the elements that are not accounted for in auto-calibration, including partially closed valves, inefficient pumps, and incorrect PRV or PSV settings.

Prerequisites for network model calibration include pressure verdicts listed as Fair and Good since auto-calibration should not be used if an accurate flow balance is not achieved:

A presentation slide displays the prerequisites for network model calibration, and it shows a part of a grid report where pressure verdicts are listed as Fair and Good since auto-calibration should not be used if an accurate flow balance is not achieved.

Auto-calibration offers certain benefits:

A presentation slide about the usefulness of the Auto Calibration Utility in data loggers, telemetry systems, and SCADA.

The auto-calibration method is based on a repetitive user-defined snapshot analysis that includes pressure observation points:

A presentation slide listing the information the snapshot analysis includes, such as a peak demand time step and adjusted friction factors.

The algorithm used is based on common engineering practice:

A presentation slide listing the factors of the algorithm used during the auto calibration, where friction coefficients are the predominant factor.

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