• Fusion

Create a center mark and symbols in Fusion drawings

Place a center mark, feature control frame, and datum identifier onto the Fusion drawing sheet.

In this activity, you will learn how to place a center mark, feature control frame and datum identifier onto the drawing sheet.


  • Activity 2 is complete.


  1. Create a Center Mark.

    A center mark is used to indicate the center of a rounded edge or object.

    1. From the Geometry Toolbar, select Center Mark.
    2. Select the large opening on the front view. Make sure you select the inner closed circular edge.
    3. Press Esc to complete the command.
  2. Create a Feature Control Frame.

    A Feature Control Frame is a rectangular frame that is divided into two or more sections.

    1. From the Symbols Toolbar, select Feature Control Frame.

    2. On the Front View, select the 2.25 dimension.

    3. Drag your cursor to the right and click to place the feature control frame.

    4. Press Enter to bring up the Feature Control Frame dialog.

    5. In the Feature Control Frame dialog:

      • Set the Geometric Symbol to Parallelism.
      • Set the First Tolerance to Ø 0.1.
      • Set the First Datum to A.
    6. Click OK.

  3. Add a Datum Identifier to the bottom of the feature control frame.

    A Datum Identifier (datum ID) symbol identifies a datum feature for a feature control frame symbol.

    1. From the Symbols Toolbar, select Datum Identifier.
    2. On the Front View, select the feature control frame.
    3. Drag your cursor down and click to place the datum identifier and bring up the Datum Identifier dialog.
    4. In the Datum Identifier dialog, type in the value B into the Identifier field.
    5. Click OK to complete the command.

Activity 3 summary

In this activity, you:

  • Created a Center Mark.
  • Created a Feature Control Frame.
  • Created a Datum Identifier.