Review and mark up files in BIM 360 Docs

Review and mark up files inside BIM 360 Docs - Exercise

Mark up tools in BIM 360

  1. Open BIM 360 and navigate to the Document Management Portal.

  2. Navigate to the Plans folders and select drawing 1 for ConnectedLearningWay.

  3. Explore the mark up tools located to the right.

  4. Explore the documents navigation tools at the bottom.

Issues tools in BIM 360

  1. Open BIM 360 and navigate to the Document Management Portal.

  2. Navigate to the Plans folders and select drawing 1 for ConnectedLearningWay.

  3. Open the Issues Icon on the right.
  4. Click a location to place the issue push pin and fill out the required information:
    1. Type
    2. Status
    3. Title
  5. Explore the other options such as Assign To, Due Date, etc.