Adaptation of Shipbuilding Production Systems to Construction

Adaptation of Shipbuilding Production Systems to Construction

RT-255 Topic Summary


Significant use of modular construction is occurring across many sectors of the industry, with pockets of enhanced modular execution driven mostly by owners’ needs for faster project delivery. RT-255 builds on the work of RT-232 and found that the shipbuilding industry’s Interim Product Database (IPD) modular construction model can be adapted to the construction industry and is prevalent in some construction projects. The following three elements are typically incorporated into IPD modular construction projects:

  1. The construction of a structure/building consisting of a distinct set of standardized assemblies or modules, with each assembly being an interim product in the construction of the complete building.
  2. The sub-assemblies can be grouped by production process similarity to establish interim product families.
  3. Sub-assembly product families can be built in a manufacturing type environment and transported to the project site for installation.

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Source: Construction Industry Institute