Sort and group records on a page

Sort and group records on a page


Records can be sorted by one or more fields, in ascending or descending order.

The header of the field used for sorting will be highlighted in blue, displaying an arrow to identify if the sorting is ascending or descending. In the example below, Tasks are being sorted by Due Date in ascending order, from the earliest due date to latest due date.

Sorting records

To sort records, users can either:

  • Select a header to sort records by that column's field.
  • Select a field from the Sort menu.

Select a field from the Sort menu

Sorting by more than one field is also possible.

To sort by multiple criteria, select Sort and go to Advanced Sorting…

Sort by multiple criteria

The menu allows users to choose up to three different fields to sort by. Each field can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.

Advanced Sorting

The headers of all fields being used to sort will now display blue.

The headers of all fields being used to sort will display blue


Records can be grouped by one or more fields, in ascending or descending order.

In the example below, Tasks have been grouped by the Assigned To field.

Grouping records

To group records, users can either: 

  • Right-click a header and select Group, to group records by that column's field.

Group records by a column's field

  • Select a field from the Group menu.

Select a field from the Group menu

Grouping by more than one field is also possible.

To sort by multiple criteria, select Group and go to Advanced Grouping…

Advanced Grouping

By default, records can be grouped by a single field.

Group records by a single field

Additional fields can be added and removed by selecting to + and – buttons.

Add or remove additional fields

Groups can be re-ordered by dragging the lines to the left of the field.

Re-order groups

Groups can be expanded and collapsed as needed, by selecting the arrows to the left of the group.

Expand and collapse groups as needed

To quickly expand and collapse all groups, hold ALT/command and left-click over the arrows to the left of the group.

Quickly expand and collapse groups