Send a schedule to Flow Production Tracking
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Send a schedule to Flow Production Tracking - Exercise
Once you have generated a schedule, you will want it to be reflected in Flow Production Tracking.
To send your schedule to Flow Production Tracking, select the Export icon on the top right of the screen and choose Send to Flow Production Tracking.
Next, you will be presented with information about what will happen during the process of sending this scenario to Flow Production Tracking. You can choose to continue by selecting Send scenario.
Once this process begins, it cannot be cancelled. The process may take several minutes to run depending on the size of the project.
When you send your new schedule to Flow Production Tracking, Flow Generative Scheduling will not directly modify the existing Flow Production Tracking schedule. Instead, dates will be added to a date field on the task entity in Flow Production Tracking reserved for Flow Generative Scheduling. This field is the Proposed Start Date field.
This gives you the opportunity to review the schedule suggestions from Flow Generative Scheduling in the full context of your production schedule before modifying your live production schedule. You can manually modify the date in the Proposed Start Date field if you would like to change it.
When you're ready to apply the new schedule to your live production, select all of the tasks you would like to apply the new schedule to, right-click, and select Apply Proposed Start Date.
When the Apply Proposed Start Date option is used:
- The selected Tasks are pinned so that the automatic dependency evaluation in Flow Production Tracking no longer applies, and the Task will stay at the applied start date.
- The value of the Proposed Start Date field replaces any existing value in the Start Date field.
- The value of Proposed Start Date is cleared.
- The value of Due Date is updated automatically, based on the Task's duration.
Schedules can be updated as many times as needed throughout the lifecycle of a production.
It is important to note:
- You can only send schedule scenarios to Flow Production Tracking if you have permissions to edit the Proposed Start Date field.
- If there is already data in the Proposed Start Date field, it will be overwritten.
- If any tasks have been added or removed between when the current schedule scenario was imported to Flow Generative Scheduling and when the scenario is being sent, the Proposed Start Date field for any such tasks will not be modified.