Performing Demand Allocation Using the Closest Pipe Method

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During the calculations for demand allocation using the closest pipe method, after the closest pipe is located, the meter demands are then assigned to which of the following?

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The Demand Allocator in InfoWater Pro allows for seven distinct allocation methodologies to be used for the allocation process. The closest pipe method works with billing meter data. For each of the meters, the closest pipe is first located with advanced search algorithms. The meter demands are then assigned to either the closest upstream or downstream nodes for each of the selected pipes.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.

To add the meter sales data necessary for the allocation:

  1. From the ArcGIS ribbon, Map tab, Layer panel, click Add Data.
  2. Navigate to and double-click the .gdb file for this exercise.
  3. Select the Meter_Sales shapefile.
  4. Click OK to add it to the table of contents.
    The Add Data dialog box, with the Meter_Sales shapefile highlighted.
  5. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Allocator panel, click Allocation Manager.

To set up the allocation in the Demand Allocation Manager:

  1. In the Allocation Method group, select Closest Pipe.
  2. In the Meter Configuration group, expand the Meter Layer drop-down.
  3. Select the Meter_Sales layer added earlier. (If you cannot see the full file path in the field, hover the cursor over the field, or drag the edge of the Demand Allocation Manager window to expand it.)
  4. In the Meter Configuration group, expand the Demand Field drop-down.
  5. Scroll down and select DMD. This signifies that the DMD field in the meter layer contains the demands to assign to the model.
  6. In the Pipe ID Field group, click New Field.
  7. In the New Field popup, specify HX_PIPE as the new field.
  8. Click OK. This populates the ID of the pipe each meter is assigned to.
  9. Expand the Pipe ID Field drop-down and select HX_PIPE, if it is not already selected.
  10. Set the Allocation Scaling Factor to 1.
  11. For the Meter Assign Option, select Distance-Weighted. A geometric analysis is conducted for each meter assigned. Demands are then divided between two junction nodes according to their weighting.
    The Demand Allocation Manager, with settings for this Closest Pipe allocation.
  12. Click Allocate Demand.
  13. Wait for the Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window to appear after a few minutes.

Note: These calculations can take a longer time to assign the demands to junctions due to the meter assign option; however, it is more accurate than the Closest Junction method.

  1. In the Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window that appears, review the results of this allocation using the closest pipe method.
    The Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window displaying the results of Closest Pipe allocation.
  2. When finished, click OK to close the Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window.
  3. Click Close to exit the Demand Allocation Manager.
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