Setting simulation options
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Before working on a project, set the simulation options for hydraulics and convergence criteria.
- With model data already imported and linked from InfoWater Pro to ArcGIS Pro, from the InfoWater Pro tab, Model Explorer window, open the Operation tab.
- Expand Simulation Options, right-click the simulation you want, and then click Edit.
- From the Simulation Options dialog box, in the General tab, Convergence Criteria group, use Maximum Trials to set the maximum number of iterations of the global gradient algorithm used to solve the nonlinear hydraulic equations for each time step of the simulation.
- Set the Relative Flow Error to 0.001.
The Relative Flow Error determines whether the hydraulic solver has found a satisfactory solution to the equations and is the ratio between the change in the estimates of flow between the last two iterations of the algorithm, and the total aggregated flow in the network. If this error is smaller than or equal to the selected value, the simulation ends for that time step. The suggested value is 0.001 (0.1%).
- Open the Advanced tab.
- Set the Relaxation Factor to determine the new solution (or flow rate) at each iteration. Keep the default for this exercise.
- Set the Damping Limit. Keep the default for this exercise.
The default Damping Limit is 0, which indicates that no damping should be used, and that status checks on control valves are made at every iteration. On networks that have trouble converging, a limit of 0.01 is suggested.