Verifying database queries via domains
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Once you have created database queries, you can apply them as domains and verify their accuracy using a few different database and domain tools.
- Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
- From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.
- On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Domain panel, click Domain Manager.
- In the Domain Manager, under Element Source, select DB Query.
- The drop-down list includes any queries that you created. Select 8INCH, 8 inch pipes.
- Click Add.
- Click Close to close the Domain Manager.
All pipes satisfying the query (all 8-inch pipes) are selected and displayed in red in the map:
- On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Edit panel, click DB Editor.
- In the Open Table dialog box, in the data table, expand Element Hydraulic Data.
- Select the Pipe Hydraulic (Modeling) Data table.
- Under Data Scope, select Domain.
Note: The DB Query option can be used here if you are writing a query just to open the database table. In this case, using a domain is easier since you are using a project DB query.
- Click OK to open the table in the DB Editor.
- In the DB Editor, click the Diameter column heading to select the column.
- From the toolbar, click Field Statistics.
The Field Statistics popup confirms that there are only 8-inch pipes in the database table:
- Click OK to close the Field Statistics popup.
- Close the DB Editor.
- On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Domain panel, click Domain Manager.
- In the Domain Manager, click Clear to clear the domain of your previous selection.
- Under Element Source, select DB Query.
- Expand the drop-down and select 8IN_Z4, 8 inch pipes in Zone 4.
- Click Add.
- Click Close to close the Domain Manager.
All pipes satisfying the query, that is, all 8-inch pipes in pressure zone 4, are selected and displayed in red in the map:
- On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Edit panel, click Edit Domain.
- In the Edit Attribute dialog box, click the Pipe tab.
- Browse through the table.
Note: All pipes are 8 inches, and all of them have a zone field of 4: