Skeletonize the model by merging pipes

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In the InfoWater Pro Skeletonizer app, when preparing to use the Merge tool, you can choose to define the replacement pipe by diameter or by what?

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Step-by-step guide

In InfoWater Pro, use the Skeletonizer app to reduce the number of elements in a model. The sequence of skeletonizing is important to maintain a representative hydraulic model. After the trimming and reducing steps, the third step in the sequence of skeletonization is network element merge.

Although less commonly used, the merge option within the Skeletonizer reduces series and parallel pipes to a simple hydraulically-equivalent pipe. The equivalent replacement pipe may be of a specified diameter or specified roughness coefficient.

  1. From the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Project panel, click Apps.
  2. From the App Manager, select Skeletonizer.
  3. Click Run.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Project panel, Apps is highlighted in red, and in the App Manager, the Skeletonizer app and Run are highlighted in red.

When using the Skeletonizer it is usually best practice to create a domain of a smaller portion of the model to which the network trimming operation will be applied.

  1. In the Skeletonizer app, click Edit Domain.

The Skeletonizer dialog box, with the Domain option and the Edit Domain button highlighted in red.

  1. Use the Domain Manager tools to add model elements to a desired domain.
  2. Close the Domain Manager.
  3. In the Skeletonizer, click Options.

In the Network Skeletonization Options dialog box, set the Hydraulic Equivalency Options:

  1. In the Pipe ID/Attribute Retain Choice drop-down, select the criteria to be used to establish the ID of the new combined pipes.
  2. Enable Equivalent Diameter to merge pipes with the same diameter.
  3. Enable Equivalent Roughness to merge pipes with the same roughness coefficient.

The Network Skeletonization Options dialog box, with the Hydraulic Equivalency Options highlighted in red.

  1. Under Common Options, it is typical to enable Confirm between Segmentation Levels and Exclude Pipes with Controls.

This ensures continuity and reduces the risk of deleting pipes with either simple or logical controls.

The Network Skeletonization Options dialog box, with the Common Options enabled and highlighted in red.

  1. Click OK.
  2. In the Skeletonizer, under Hydraulic Equivalency, select Merge Parallel Pipes to Equivalent Pipe to replace two or more pipes in parallel with an equivalent pipe.
  3. Select Merge Series Pipes to Equivalent Pipe to replace series pipes with an equivalent pipe.
  4. Click Merge.

The Skeletonizer app, with the Hydraulic Equivalency options highlighted in red.

  1. Click Yes to proceed, if prompted.
  2. Close the Skeletonizer when the operation is complete.
  3. Check the network to verify that the desired pipes merged properly.


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