Planning the creation of a whole model
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Once all the critical factors necessary to build a model in InfoWater Pro have been considered, the planning steps can begin. However, there is some prep work to be done before actually creating the model.
- Collect all information necessary to build the model.
- Create a system schematic if one does not exist—can be built using maps and the system’s GIS (or create by hand).
- Begin preliminary construction of InfoWater Pro model.
- Construct water facilities such as wells, pump stations, and tanks in the model.
- Use record drawings of every facility for views of every pump station and reservoir / tank site.
- Make an actual site visit, if possible, to understand how piping is connected and configured.
- Consider using client’s GIS, if well built and maintained, although it may not be at a practical scale to import directly into the model.
- Input facility information:
- Well, pump, and clear well elevations
- Elevated and ground storage tank geometry
- Number of pumps
- Variable speed pump control data, as applicable
- Pump curve data—use record shop drawings of pump manufacturers for greatest accuracy, to minimize interpolation
- Obtain good elevation data to enter into the model.
- Usually readily available in the form of aerial photography, and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) data
- Key to accurate pressure data
- Establish pressure zones, once model is fully constructed—Pressure Zone Manager (PZM) can identify hydraulic zones based on boundary conditions of the model.
- Perform quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC):
- Check how pressure zones are assigned by examining elements in each pressure zone polygon—remember that data is not perfectly accurate.
- Verify connectivity—use InfoWater Pro’s connectivity tools to locate issues, such as nodes in close proximity which can be merged, diameter discrepancies, and pipes which cross but should intersect.
- Important step to ensure that model represents actual system conditions to maximum extent practicable.
- Decide whether model will have a one-to-one match with GIS, or will be a skeletonized representation of distribution system, with client input.
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