Configuring annotation
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In the Plan View, when there are multiple model objects and labels, it can become very difficult to read and understand. This example shows a simple drainage system of only eight manholes, eight pipe sections, and eight catchment areas, but it has already become difficult to read. To fix this, you can adjust the display of the annotations for those model elements.
- In the Tree View, right-click Junctions and select Display Settings.
- In the Display Settings dialog box, click the Plan tab.
- Highlight the Text Height value and change it to 4.
- Change the (Max) Icon Height to 10.
- As soon as you change the values, the size of the text and icons in the model immediately change.
- Close the dialog box.
- In the Tree View, right-click the Inflows node and select Display Settings to re-open the Display Settings dialog box.
- Click the Layers tab, where it is now filtered by Inflows.
- Click to turn the Inflow light bulb OFF, and the Catchment Area icons are hidden.
- Click the Inflow Outline OFF, and the green fill disappears.
- Turn the Inflow Label OFF, and all the Catchment Area text is hidden.
- Turn all three elements back ON to return the view to the way it was.
- To turn off or on every display aspect for an item, you can use the Tree View.
- In the Tree View, click the Inflows checkbox to turn it OFF.
- The display is now the same as when you turned off all three elements in the Display Settings dialog box.
- You can also turn off the catchment boundaries in the background CAD data.