Importing the completed hydraulic design back into Civil 3D
Any referenced datasets can be downloaded from "Module downloads" in the module overview.
Once you have completed the hydraulic design in InfoDrainage, you can export the design and then import it back into Civil 3D to complete the design.
- In InfoDrainage, be sure the final design is saved.
Next, in Civil 3D, delete the original network design:
- From the Toolspace, Prospector tab, under Initial Model, expand the Catchments node.
- Right-click Catchment Group and select Delete.
- In the confirmation popups, click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Repeat this process to delete the pipe network:
- In the Toolspace, expand Pipe Networks.
- Expand Networks.
- Right-click the Storm01 or named network and select Delete.
- In the confirmation popup, click Yes.
- On the ribbon, Innovyze tab, Import/Export panel, click Import from InfoDrainage.
- On the first page of the Import from InfoDrainage wizard, click Select.
- In the Open dialog box, browse to and select the Hydraulic Design.iddx hydraulic design file.
- Click Open.
- Back in the wizard, click Next.
- On the Select Phases and Surfaces page, enable the Phases node.
- Click Next.
- In the Parts Mapping Manager, match the InfoDrainage connection and junction types with those in Civil 3D.
- Click Finish.
The catchments, manholes, and pipes appear back on the surface as the revised network.
Next, verify the data by creating an alignment:
- From the Toolspace, Prospector tab, expand the Networks node.
- Right click Storm01 and click Select to select the entire network.
- On the ribbon, Pipe Networks: Storm01 contextual tab, Launch Pad panel, click Alignment from Network.
- In the drawing, pick the first manhole in the series.
- Pick the last manhole in the series.
- Right-click to end the series creation.
- In the Create Alignment – From Pipe Network dialog box, for this exercise, click OK to accept the defaults.
- In the Create Profile from Surface dialog box, load the relevant surface by clicking Add.
The Road1 surface appears in the Profile list table.
- Click Draw in profile view.
- In the Create Profile View wizard, accept the defaults for this exercise and click Create Profile View.
The profile view appears in the drawing attached to the cursor.
- Click the drawing and drag to an open area.
- Click again to place the view in the drawing.
Review the updated pipe sizes and the reduced invert that was designed in InfoDrainage, as well as the updated cover level.