Connecting drainage system objects
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Video quiz
Once you have placed predefined storm drainage system objects, such as manholes, into your surface model, you can connect them using the Connections tools in the Toolbox.
- In the Toolbox, expand the Connections node.
- Click Pipe.
- Drag the pipe object to the model, place the symbol over the first Manhole, and click to place the start of the pipe.
- IMPORTANT: It is important that connections are digitized from upstream to downstream, following the normal direction of flow.
- Drag your cursor toward the second manhole. As soon as your cursor is over the next manhole, it changes to the crosshair arrows again.
- Click to place the pipe end.
- Click Manhole (1) again to place the start of the next pipe.
- Drag toward and click Manhole (2) to place the end.
- Continue to place the start and end points of each length of pipe, from manhole to manhole, until you have connected all the manholes.
- In the Toolbox, click Select to stop the pipe creation mode.