Guided Exercise - Design Space Background

For Generative Design the study must satisfy specific requirements concerning the design space, constraints, and loads.

  • Model must contain at least one (1) Preserve Geometry.
  • Bodies that do not have an assigned type associated are ignored for generating outcomes.
  • At least one (1) load case is required with at least one (1) load and one (1) constraint.
  • Loads and Constraints can only be applied to Preserve Geometry or Starting Shapes.
  • Starting shapes must be continuous and connect all Preserve Geometry bodies.

Let's walk through that last bullet in more detail.

Starting Shapes can be either created automatically by Generative Design or Manually created in CAD and imported along with other features.

Automatic Creation

Conceptually the automatic starting shape is created by enveloping all Preserve Regions and then subtracting (boolean) out any Obstacle Regions. Let's look at some visual examples of this:

No Obstacle Regions

Obstacle Region - Partial

Obstacle Region -  Full

Manually Created