
20 min.

Reduce the Time It Takes for Employees to Become Productive

Module overview

Teaching your end users how to get started faster will decrease how long it takes to get a return on your software investment. Learn how to speak confidently about why you made the decision to move to a new model and learn about building custom learning content tailored to your users. You will also learn how to help users with troubleshooting account issues and how to direct them to find great learning content to speed up their onboarding.

This content takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to:

  • Teach your end users why moving to the new model is better for them.
  • Help end users with troubleshooting account issues.
  • Teach end users where they can find learning content so they can start using the software faster.
  • Build custom learning content that helps your users follow your companies' standards.

Note: Autodesk is constantly evolving and improving how a primary admin manages Autodesk Account. This content may vary slightly from what you may experience in your account.

Module downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete units in this module:

Module outline

  • Transitioning to the New Autodesk Named User Model